Production Optimization

To achieve production optimization, Aquakem can help you to put in an effective phase separation program to address the formation of emulsions and foam. The program can also address the cleaning up of produced water for reuse or disposal.
Flow Assurance

Flow Assurance is becoming very important as companies started to exploit high viscosity crudes, non-conventional reservoirs. Aquakem took up this challenge finding innovative strategies to ensure a successful and economically sustainable flow of hydrocarbon stream from the reservoir to the point of sale.
Asset Integrity

Aquakem Corrosion inhibition, H2S removal and Microbial Control’s technologies serve a variety of applications in the Oil & Gas industry, maximizing hydrocarbon production processes, while preventing souring and protecting asset integrity by inhibiting microbial induced corrosion, biofilm and bacteria.
Heavy Metal Removal
reduction in the concentration of heavy metals is an important part of the wastewater treatment process. Many countries place limits on the concentration of various metals that may be discharged either directly to the environment or to a local treatment works. Further, the regulatory direction taken in the last five years has been much more restrictive in what metals and concentrations are permissible for water discharge into the environment.
Foam Control
Waste treatment antifoams are used to eliminate or control foam primarily in secondary treatment and final effluent areas in a waste treatment plant. Industries often in need of waste treatment antifoams include food processing plants, paper mills, refineries, municipalities, and petrochemical plants, among others.
Coagulation & Flocculation
Coagulation and flocculation involves the removal of suspended solids and turbidity from water. The process of coagulation, along with flocculation, is used whenever the natural settling rate of suspended material is too slow to provide effective clarification. Coagulants are used to neutralize the charge of the suspended solids, bringing the particles together to create a small flocs. To generate larger flocs for faster settling, a high molecular weight, organic flocculant is generally used in combination with a coagulant.
Odor Control
Odor problems are a concern to your waste plant personnel. Wastewater odors range from musty smells to hazardous gases. Most of the odor producing compounds in domestic wastewater result from the anaerobic biological decomposition of organic materials. Industrial waste treatment systems also have specific odor sources and encounter unique problems in dealing with the odors. Understanding the source and nature of wastewater odors is a major step toward controlling problems,
Scale Control
Antiscalant is a pretreatment for reverse osmosis system that is highly effective in preventing the membranes from scaling. Before the feed water enters the reverse osmosis membrane, an Antiscalant is injected into the water and sent the through the system. The chemicals creates a time delay between the bicarbonate and the calcium magnesium. The delay allows the water to pass through the membrane before any chemical reaction, in which scale can form, occurs.
Multimedia Filtration is often used upstream of RO/NF to remove suspended solids. However, MMF media is only efficient at removing particles larger than 20 microns.
Membrane Cleaning
RO)-Membrane cleaning is needed in case the performance of the membrane system is decreasing as consequence of fouling. This fouling can be of different origin like inorganic-, organic- and suspended matter. Also known as respectively scaling, biofouling and fouling. Mainly, every kind of fouling will lead to increased resistance over the feed channel and increased limitation of available membrane surface. Subsequently followed by energy and production losses..